
Rise of the Footsoldier Game

Akupara Games

Soho Game Development

The Flow State XR

Football Hooligans, Bent cops, and Yacht-owning psychopaths – Rise of the Footsoldier: The Mobile Game unleashes the mayhem of the movies upon players!

Play as one of the three anti-heroes. Players can collect and choose from a range of individual weapons, as they progress through each level, smashing their way through assorted gangsters, football hooligans, and bent cops to take on series antagonists Fisher and Greener in a new Footsoldier story. Players must utilise speed and fighting skills to avoid enemies, and engage in intense open combat to prove who is really in charge!

Akupara Games developed Rise of the Footsoldier: The Video Game with Soho Game Development and The Flow State XR for iOS and Android platforms.


Akupara Games

Soho Game Development

The Flow State XR


Release date

Feb 1, 2023

